Why make a film about the dark underworld of sex trafficking?
Our society has only just begun to embrace survivor accounts of violence against women and shift mindsets about human rights issues like sex trafficking. After plaguing humanity for countless years, the anti-sex trafficking movement is just now gaining momentum, sparking more conversations now than ever before as we realize the shocking magnitude of this epidemic.
The goal of producing our documentary Shattered Dreams was to shed light on the complex nature of sex trafficking in hopes of dispelling misconceptions that dominate our culture. What we have long considered to be the world’s “oldest profession” is actually a disturbing crime happening in plain sight, perpetually stigmatized and misunderstood. With the average age of recruitment between 12 and 17, our youth are getting targeted at alarming rates as traffickers lure them online easily through tools like social media. Experts estimate that hundreds of thousands of young girls are trafficked for sex every year in the US, with many succumbing to STDs, drug overdoses, PTSD, suicide, and even death.
A growing number of personal stories of abuse continue to surface from survivors of sexual exploitation, revealing the devastating impacts of trauma and mental handcuffs that take hold of victims. Yet how can we curb this crisis without addressing the high demand for sex that is underlying the problem?
Despite increased awareness in the last few years, surprisingly very few resources exist to provide solutions and cases remain largely underreported. Shattered Dreams gives survivors a voice by allowing viewers to hear firsthand how young girls become trafficked, with the hope that we can prevent future generations from falling victim to this horrific crime.

Palomar College Television has been creating award-winning educational content in our state-of-the-art production studio in San Marcos, California for over forty years. We have been fortunate to receive numerous awards and national accolades every year, including 27 Pacific Southwest Emmy Awards. Our documentary films have been shown at over sixty film festivals throughout the country and aired on numerous PBS stations in the Western United States.